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What are Microservices and How They Will Impact Your Business

Structure your applications as a collection of loosely coupled services that link together and allow independent updating, scalability, and the opening of doors to new advances.


When your application services are connected but working independently, your development teams are more efficient. You gain the ability to scale a service without impacting the entire monolithic system. Maintainability and ease of deployment are natural benefits of well designed and implemented microservices. You will experience faster development with a more robust and adaptable codebase for each Microservice, making it easier to unit test, maintain, and deploy. Failure isolation is faster by reducing the effort to a single module rather than the entire critical application. In this way, you can remain operational. The benefits are real, but so are the challenges.


Kaizen teams of experienced microservices technologists are here to guide you on your journey to better user experiences powered by microservices.






Microservices architecture is about identifying the various parts of a software system, converting them, and expanding new requirements into autonomous modules that can be deployed and modified independently of the rest of the system.

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